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UK Virus Surge Leads To New Travel Restrictions

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has introduced new travel restrictions just days before Christmas. The restrictions, which apply to London and other parts of the UK, essentially bans all international travel with limited exceptions. The decision comes after a new, faster-spreading strain of COVID-19 causes a surge in cases across England.

International flights are off the cards in light of the new COVID-19 strain. Photo: Getty Images

New curbs

Yesterday, PM Boris Johnson officially announced Tier 4 restrictions for London and Southeast England. The new rules are similar to the “stay-at-home” restrictions first introduced in March, with people being asked not to leave their house for anything except essential purposes.

Considering the new tier pushes people to “stay local,” international travel is now highly restricted. The official guidance states,

“If you are in Tier 4, you should not be travelling abroad unless it is permitted. In addition, you should consider the public health advice in the country you are visiting.”

This means all non-essential trips, like holidays, visiting family or friends, or traveling to second homes, are now banned. Currently, the only exception to this rule is traveling for work purposes, but more could be announced soon. The official guidance adds that,

“If you do need to travel overseas from a tier 4 area (and are legally permitted to do so, for example, because it is for work), even if you are returning to a place you’ve visited before, you should look at the rules in place at your destination and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) travel advice.”

Domestic travel cut

Considering the high caseload in recent days is attributed to a new strain of COVID-19, the UK has closed internal borders. Scotland has announced that it will implement a strict travel ban on travelers from the rest of the UK soon, which will likely disrupt flight schedules. Travel into and out of Tier 4 areas is also not permitted, further cutting down flights. Wales and Northern Ireland have implemented similar restrictions.

Domestic flights will be impacted in the coming days due to the border closures. Photo: Getty Images

It should be noted that there many exemptions for those who need to travel within the UK. However, the decision to close borders does signal the urgency of the situation with the new strain of the virus.

More travel bans?

While yesterday’s announcement only affects certain regions of the UK, foreign countries could be looking to restrict travel too. Virus mutations are quite common, however, news that this strain is more infections has led to some concern. The Netherlands has already banned flights from the UK until January 1st and more countries could follow suit in the coming days.

It should be noted that there is currently nothing to indicate the vaccines are not effective against the new strain of COVID-19.

The Netherlands has banned flights from the UK due to the new virus strain. Photo: Vincenzo Pace |

The new restrictions will impact holiday travel plans for thousands as airlines are expected to cut capacity in the coming days. Until vaccines reach enough of the population, we will likely continue to see changing travel rules in the coming months.

Have the new rules impacted your travel plans? Let us know in the comments below.

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