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Shopify pulls Donald Trump stores off its website – TechCrunch

In a now-deleted letter Lütke had authored back in 2017, the Shopify chief executive wrote that “commerce is a powerful, underestimated form of expression.”

Drawing a parallel between individual purchases made by consumers and votes, Lütke had said that it was not Shopify’s place to interrupt that free expression, even if personally and as an organization, they disagree with the positions of those on the platform.

Since that 2017 stand, Shopify has softened its position somewhat. In 2018 the company banned some right wing groups from the platform — including shops affiliated with the Proud Boys organization (who were involved in yesterday’s riot at the Capitol). And, as Black Lives Matter protests erupted across the U.S. the company donated some of its funds to civil  rights organizations.

Shopify did not respond to a request for comment at the time of publication. The company’s stock is trading up $66, or roughly 6%, at $1,152.94 on the New York Stock Exchange. 


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