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Fundraising Bid Launched In Last Attempt To Save Lufthansa Boeing 707

Regular Simple Flying readers will be aware that we’ve been following the efforts to save D-ABOD, a former Lufthansa Boeing 707 set to be scrapped in Hamburg. A group of aviation enthusiasts has been seeking to protect the aircraft without gaining the support of Hamburg Airport so far.

A final attempt is underway to save Lufthansa’s last surviving Boeing 707. Photo: Getty Images

Germany is home to some incredible former aircraft with fascinating histories. One only needs to go to the Technik Museum in Sinsheim to see Concorde mounted next to its Soviet counterpart, the Tupolev Tu-144. That being said, the last remaining Boeing 707 in Lufthansa colors is currently under threat.

Last attempt to save the jet

Three weeks ago, Simple Flying reported that Hamburg Airport had rescheduled the previously canceled date for D-ABOD to be dismantled. This means that unless a solution can be found within the next five weeks, the aircraft will become paperweights in peoples’ homes.

So far, the fight to save the aircraft had been fought with words and meetings. Since this failed to protect the aircraft, the group is now looking to save the aircraft by raising funds. Essentially, Hamburg Airport’s original argument for scrapping the jet was that it could no longer afford to preserve it. This had become especially true since the COVID-19 pandemic cut off revenue from visitors to the plane.

The Boeing 707 was the jet that dragged Lufthansa into the jet age. Photo: Getty Images

An airport spokesperson previously told Simple Flying,

“In order to find a solution and to be able to receive the 707 professionally, the airport was in very close contact with around a dozen interested parties for months – from individuals to aviation enthusiast initiatives to museums. Ultimately, however, no solution could be found.”

The group seeking to save the aircraft estimates that the annual costs of preserving the last remaining Lufthansa Boeing 707 sit between €4000-6000. A campaign has also been launched that has so far raised €1,400 to save the jet at the time of writing. According to the group attempting to save the plane, funds will be refunded on August 30th if the bid to save the jet is unsuccessful.

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Another Boeing 707 bites the dust

D-ABOD was one of two Boeing 707s remaining in Germany wearing Lufthansa’s colors. While D-ABOD has been relatively well cared for and maintained in Hamburg, another 707 in Berlin faced a very different fate.

This aircraft in Berlin began to be dismantled yesterday. Photo: Getty Images

Berlin’s 707 was actually flown by El Al. It was repainted into Lufthansa’s livery and given to the German flag carrier as a gift. It was then sent to Berlin, where it initially had a prime location on top of a roundabout. As the years went on, it was moved to a spot on the aircraft perimeter on the edge of a forest. Being left to the elements, the aircraft has fallen into a state of disrepair.

After Tegel Airport, where it was located, lost its status earlier this week, efforts began to dismantle the aircraft. Photos shared by the group trying to save D-ABOD show a gaping hole in the rear of the fuselage. They’re hoping that the Boeing 707 in Hamburg doesn’t meet the same fate and can remain of historical importance for years to come.

What do you make of the effort to save D-ABOD? Will it be successful? Let us know what you think and why in the comments!

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