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Denver International Airport Conspiracies – AirlineGeeks.com

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Spooktober: Denver International Airport Conspiracies

We take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to take a look at some of the more unusual happenings in aviation, after all, it is October and it is a spooky season. For the next three articles up until Halloween, we’ll be exploring airport conspiracies, UFOs sightings at airports, and weird creature sightings. The latter two surprisingly both focus on Chicago’s O’Hare airport.

To start things off we’ll look at Denver International Airport. It’s an airport that has no shortage of conspiracy theories surrounding it covering a vast array of features of the airport. Some say it has connections to aliens, others say it’s the headquarters of the Illuminati, and more.

New World Order and Freemasons

One of the biggest conspiracies is that the airport was built by the New World Order, an alleged cabal of powerful individuals across the globe who are determined to build a totalitarian world government. It all is tied back to the airport capstone that was dedicated when the airport opened back in the mid-1990s.

Etched in the stone is the Masonic Square and Compass of the Freemasons along with the names of two Masonic Grand Masters. The first alarm bell to conspiracy theorists given their propensity for saying that secret societies are ruling the world. However, it’s not uncommon to see Masonic symbols across the world. It is a fraternal organization that the average person can petition to join.

The second is that the dedication has “New World Airport Commission” which many allude to it literally referring to the New World Order. The explanation here is that there’s supposed to be a comma between the word “New” and “World” so it should read “The New, World Airport Commission” which really doesn’t clear things up at all.

Next up is someone of the artwork at the airport which is undeniably unusual and downright unsettling at times. We’ve seen artwork at airports but Denver’s airport takes it to a completely different level.

There is a 32-foot fiberglass sculpture of a horse located on airport grounds, officially it is called the Blue Mustang and is another focal point of conspiracy theories surrounding the airport. It’s a giant ominous horse with glowing red eyes, it’s not hard to imagine why.

Many say that it is a reference to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and that it during the end of times will serve as transportation for one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Next up are the gargoyles overlooking the baggage claim re. The article behind them Terry Allen was said the inspiration behind them was that the airport and baggage claim reminded him of a cathedral.

People think they’re effigies of Satan and other weird things but in reality, gargoyles are the good guys. They’re the ones that keep the bad spirits out.

There are also some creepy looking murals throughout the airport. Some say the murals allegedly have Nazi imagery and are alluding to a fascist secret society. The murals definitely are quite powerful and show things like fire and destruction which some say is the part of the New World Order’s plan to lead to the collapse of society and civilization so they can implement a global government.

However, the true meaning of some of these murals such as “Children of the World” is to show children dreaming of a world that doesn’t have war and violence, they are dreaming of a world that is cohesive and peaceful. This though could also be interpreted as a New World Order reference since a key part of that conspiracy is a global government.

To round things off there is the conspiracy of the underground tunnels and bunker at the airport. One of the conspiracy theories is that the underground tunnels and bunker will serve as the hiding spot for the New World Order and Illuminati elites to go during global disasters to hideaway safe from everything. Some say that on the third day of the airport’s opening the tram had broken down and some passengers were directed through tunnels with spectacular artistry. It’s believed this is for the viewing pleasure of the elite that would presumably be there riding out global disasters.

This was allegedly financed by the Illuminati and is evidently why the airport cost so much to build.

Phil Schneider was one of the biggest theorists out there, he even went as far as to say he had been down there and seen things. However, he later was found dead in an apparent suicide which people in his circles say was actually an assassination for knowing too much.

There are also theories saying that there are tunnels leading directly to military bases further out from the airport.

All in all Denver International is a hub for conspiracy theories due to many a peculiarity about the design. There apparently are answers to many secrets buried in a time capsule at the airport which won’t be opened until 2094, 100 years after the airport’s opening.

Regardless of how true or not these are we know that the real conspiracy is at that airport, it’s the moving walkways and escalators that are perpetually broken.

Hemal Gosai
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