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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Vietnam Airlines Flies Over 24 Tons Of Aid To Flood-Affected Areas

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Vietnam Airlines has flown over 24 tons of aid to flood-impacted areas in Vietnam. After devastating storms and floods, the airline worked to transport thousands of aid packages to help areas in central Vietnam.

Vietnam Airlines aid
Vietnam Airlines has flown in over 24 tons of aid as it helps the region recover from an environmental crisis. Photo: Vietnam Airlines

Aid transportation

Vietnam Airlines flew over 24 tons of goods and more than 2,000 packages from organizations like the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, the Red Cross, and individual donations, among others, to support operations in central Vietnam in cities like Vinh, Hue, and Dong Hoi.

This is just part of Vietnam Airlines’ aid operations. The airline is expecting to fly more than 100 tons of cargo to support relief operations.

Vietnam Airlines, along with its affiliates, is receiving and transporting goods to Central Vietnam free of charge.

Vietnam Airlines aid
In addition to flying in aid, the airline has upped its baggage allowance for passengers. Photo: Vietnam Airlines

For passengers, Vietnam Airlines is also giving people to Vinh, Hue, and Dong Hoi one extra free bag in addition to their class of service baggage allowance. This will allow passengers to also fly with additional relief items or essential items.

Vietnam Airlines is expecting to fly over 10,000 pieces of luggage free of charge. This will help those who are bringing relief items to the region.

Vietnam Airlines
After facing operational disruptions due to various storms, Vietnam Airlines is now flying in aid that will go to cities like Hue. Photo: Vietnam Airlines

Central Vietnam is facing awful flooding

Devastating floods, some of the most severe in decades, according to CNN, have claimed over 100 lives and led to immense destruction. Over 7,200 hectares of food crops have been submerged and damaged, and over 691,000 cattle and poultry have either been killed or swept away. Hundreds of thousands of meters of roadways have also been damaged.

In addition to the flooding, landslides have also caused deaths and damage. However, Vietnam, which is no stranger to rain and typhoons, became overwhelmed after facing a particularly fierce set of storms.

Relief agencies rely on airlines to help transport goods and people. Another set of storms is, including a tropical storm, made its way to Vietnam this last weekend as well.

For the flag carrier of Vietnam, it was now time to step up and fly relief. After facing some operational disruptions due to the storm, the carrier became one lifeline to bring much-needed supplies to the region.

Vietnam Airlines and its affiliates are transporting relief items free of charge. Photo: Vietnam Airlines

Airlines and aid flights

Over the last few months, aid flights have become common when it came to transporting medical supplies. However, airlines are no strangers when it comes to running aid and relief flights.

Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines partnered to send 20,000 pounds of aid on a brand new Boeing 787. Emirates has flown tens of thousands of kilograms of aid to Lebanon since a blast rocked Beirut.

Flag carriers, in particular, tend to step up when the country needs airlines to fly in (or fly out) people and supplies. Vietnam Airlines has used aircraft, like the ATR 72, to fly in aid.

Are you glad to see Vietnam Airlines take part in supporting Central Vietnam? Let us know in the comments!

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