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Saturday, September 21, 2024

National Airlines Airbus A330 Flies Drinking Water To Jackson, Mississippi

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A National Airlines Airbus A330 airlifted thousands of bottles of clean drinking water to the residents of Jackson, Mississippi. The aircraft used was already flying a charter service transporting a school band. The airline chose to fill the remaining space in the plane’s cargo hold with cases of purified water. The relief was delivered promptly to help the 150,000 people stranded without water. The city’s water supply has not been drinkable for nearly ten days due to recent flooding.


Airborne relief

This act of service was a part of the airline’s social responsibility initiative. The airline is committed to giving back to the communities it serves. Operating primarily as a cargo airline, it has gained a reputation for sending aid to places in need. Whether that be natural disaster relief or medical supplies to help fight an infectious outbreak.

With its fleet of Boeing 747s, Airbus A330s, and Boeing 757s, National Airlines has successfully delivered relief supplies for various disasters all across the globe. Its freighters are well suited for this role as they can quickly transport large quantities of emergency supplies to any destination with a long enough airstrip. The passenger variants, such as the A330 used in this relief effort, also have large amounts of storage space that can be used for this purpose.

The Chairman of National Air Cargo Holdings, Inc, Christopher Alf, stated that this latest feat of selflessness is only characteristic of the airline. He said,

“National has always been in the forefront of transporting immediate relief supplies to crisis-hit regions. Be it COVID-19 medical supplies or essential supplies during natural calamities, National Airlines aircraft airlifts supplies to the most affected areas for timely distribution. The recent efforts to bring drinking water to Jackson, is yet another opportunity for us to serve people when in dire need”,

A flooded city with a water shortage

Mississippi’s capital city Jackson is simultaneously grappling with both flooding and a water shortage. The city’s residents have been deprived of clean drinking water for nine days. The region has recently undergone significant flooding as thunderstorms have plagued the skies. The heavy rainfall caused a chemical imbalance at the local water treatment facility. This has left residents with a plethora of undrinkable water. Over 150,000 total residents are directly affected by this crisis.

National Airlines delivers disaster relief across the globe. Photo: National Airlines

The treatment facility is working night and day to restore balance and make tap water safe to drink again. The efforts have left many residents without any water at all as systems are being drained of the compromised water. President Biden Authorized the use of emergency National Guard services after Mississippi’s Governor declared a state of emergency. Following this authorization, the National Guard was deployed to help distribute water to the citizens.

National Airlines’ recent relief effort will go to help those in need complete essential survival requirements. Such as staying hydrated and fed. The region is nearing the end of its summer; regardless, the heat is still blistering. The water transported by the airline may not seem like much to those that have always had plenty of water, but for many in Mississippi, a few gallons of clean water is all that separates life and death.

What do you think of this relief effort? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: PR Newswire, CNN

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