Eden, the office management platform that has raised nearly $70 million since inception, is today making a tweak to its nomenclature to reflect its push into SaaS tools. Henceforth, the startup will be called Eden Workplace.
“We had a lot of clients in different categories like retail, some industrial and some classic real estate and we wanted to reaffirm that we’re really building software and a service marketplace for the modern office,” said cofounder and CEO Joe du Bey. “We also felt that the company is fundamentally different because of all the SaaS tools that we’re building, so it acknowledges that there’s a change in our business.”
Eden also acquired the rights to edenworkplace.com, which du Bey believes will lend more credibility to the brand who is looking to sell into corporations and organizations and IT departments.
Image Credits: Eden
This isn’t the first evolution for the office management startup.
Eden started out as a service to help folks troubleshoot tech issues using on-demand specialists. Over time, the company moved into office management services, such as cleanings, repairs, re-stocking, IT help and more. The vertically integrated startup turned into a marketplace, working with multiple vendors to provide services to clients.
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Eden has had to shift yet again, introducing SaaS products to help people return to and work in their office spaces. That includes the ability to offer COVID-safety questionnaires, track the people coming in and out of the office, alongside tools for visitor management and room booking.
Eden is also introducing a desk reservation system for workers to ensure they can maintain social distancing. This feature was teased at the time of the SaaS launch but is available now to new and existing customers.
Thus far, Eden’s SaaS tools have been growing revenue by more than 100 percent month over month, and du Bey believes the SaaS side of the business will grow 5x by the end of 2021.
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