9.8 C
Sunday, May 5, 2024



It’s game on as Unity begins trading – TechCrunch

Unity Software, which sells a game development toolkit primarily for mobile phone app developers, raised $1.3 billion in its initial public offering. The company, which...

Chamath launches SPAC, SPAC and SPAC as he SPACs the world with SPACs – TechCrunch

SPACs are going to rule the world, or at least, Chamath’s future portfolio. Chamath Palihapitiya, the founder of Social Capital, has already tripled down...

Conan O’Brien on how to embrace an ever-changing media landscape – TechCrunch

“Like most of the best things in my life,” Conan O’Brien explains, with a wry smile, “the success of the podcast was a complete...

Partial US TikTok ban is imminent – TechCrunch

The Trump administration moves forwards with plans to ban TikTok and WeChat (although TikTok gets a partial extension), Unity goes public and we...

MIT engineers develop a totally flat fisheye lens that could make wide-angle cameras easier to produce – TechCrunch

Engineers at MIT, in partnership with the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, have devised a way to build a camera lens that avoids the...

Check out this never-before-seen clip from HBO’s The Perfect Weapon – TechCrunch

At Disrupt 2020, we got a chance to see some never-before-seen footage from HBO’s upcoming documentary The Perfect Weapon. The documentary, which was executive...

Gaming companies are reportedly the next targets in the US government’s potentially broader Tencent purge – TechCrunch

Some of the biggest names in online gaming in the United States have received letters from the U.S. government requesting information about their relationship...

SaaS Ventures takes the investment road less traveled – TechCrunch

Open since 2017, the firm just launched its second $20 million fund Most venture capital firms are based in hubs like Silicon Valley, New York...

Facebook Tried to Limit QAnon. It Failed.

“The groups, including QAnon, feel incredibly passionate about their cause and will do whatever they can do attract new people to their conspiracy movement....

Fox News Is Accused of Hiding George Soros’s Influence

Perhaps no figure gets more attention in conspiracy circles than George Soros, the billionaire investor and Democratic donor. For years, he has been cast...

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