17.2 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024



Combining social shopping rewards and personal finance apps, ex-Snap product gurus launch Meemo – TechCrunch

After Wisam Dakka and André Madeira left Snap in 2018 the two longtime product developers and coders cast about for a new app to...

Microsoft introduces Customer Voice, a real-time customer feedback tool – TechCrunch

At Microsoft Inspire today, the company made several Dynamics 365 announcements, including Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, a real-time customer feedback tool that could compete...

Instagram is testing a ‘Personal Fundraiser’ feature – TechCrunch

Instagram today announced a new tool for personal fundraisers. The company says it’s beginning a small test of the feature, which will allow users...

OnePlus’s fully wireless earbuds are unexceptional, but at least they’re pretty cheap – TechCrunch

OnePlus’s first fully wireless earbuds just aren’t very good. It doesn’t give me joy to say that. OnePlus is a fascinating company that has...

Tracking the growth of low-code, no-code startups – TechCrunch

Companies in the sector are on pace to raise at least $500 million in 2020 Startup buzz comes in waves, with a particular thesis or...

Kiwibot delivery robots head to San Jose with new partners Shopify and Ordermark – TechCrunch

Kiwibot, the delivery robot startup that got its start shuttling burritos and snacks to students on the University of California-Berkeley campus, is expanding to...

Major Security Flaws Found in South Korea Quarantine App

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea has been praised for making effective use of digital tools to contain the coronavirus, from emergency phone alerts...

UK gov’t asleep at the wheel on Russia cyber ops threat, report warns – TechCrunch

The UK lacks a comprehensive and cohesive high level strategy to respond to the cyber threat posed by Russia and other hostile states using...

IBM Research develops new macromolecule that could counter antibiotic resistance – TechCrunch

There are other persistent, grave health crises brewing besides the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic: Antibiotic resistance is one, and the troubling trend is that it’s...

Medley, a life and career coaching community for everyone, launches today – TechCrunch

As we speak, there are professional networks for women executives, mothers, owners of small and medium-sized businesses, and many more. Medley, a new membership-based community...

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