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5G Network Construction Requirements for Optical Fiber Products

5G is a leading technology in the field of new-generation information and communication technology. At the same time, 5G technology, as an important factor driving the development of the industrial Internet, is not only a new opportunity, but also a huge challenge.

It is worth mentioning that industry customers are actively embracing 5G technology in the process of transforming from informatization and automation to digitalization and intelligence. At the same time, 5G network construction puts forward higher requirements for optical fiber and cable products.

This article only elaborates on the application requirements of 5G network construction for fiber optic cable products from the aspect of fiber optic cable application.

5G Network Construction Requirements for Optical Fiber

(1) Prequel

Because a large amount of optical fiber resources in the fronthaul network requires the laying of pipeline resources, in this scenario, G.657.A2 with high bending resistance is a suitable choice.

(2) Convergence layer

The transmission distance does not exceed 80km, but it is necessary to aggregate all data traffic of the access layer of the 5G metropolitan area network. The line interface bandwidth will reach 200 Gbps, usually using 200 G gray light modules or N*100G color light modules, and G.652.D optical fibers can be used Or lay new fiber optics.

(3) Core layer

It is the last level of the metropolitan area network, and it will be directly connected to the provincial backbone network and the backbone network upwards. Obviously, it is the level that handles the largest traffic among all levels of the metropolitan area network.

The core layer of the 5G metropolitan area network generally adopts a ring network or a double uplink network, and the peak bandwidth of the line interface will be increased to 400Gbps.

Usually, 400G gray light modules or N*400G color light modules are used, and the transmission distance is not large. Over 80km, G.652.D optical fiber with low cost and large bandwidth can still be used.

(4) Trunk optical fiber

Compared with the metropolitan area network, the transmission distance of the provincial backbone network is much longer, generally reaching tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers, and the peak bandwidth of the line interface will be increased to 400 Gbps, using 400 G gray light modules or N*400G color light modules.

For transmission, compared with the traditional G.652 optical fiber, the G.654.E optical fiber has obvious advantages in the non-electric relay distance, so the low-attenuation G.654.E optical fiber is currently the best choice.

(5) Data center

With the acceleration of network cloudification and enterprise cloud migration, data centers will be the focus of 5G development.

With the increasing demand for network bandwidth in data centers, the internal transmission rate of data centers has evolved from 1G/10G to 25G/100G and 200G/400G, and it is also necessary to support the high bandwidth performance of multi-wavelength multiplexing technology and beneficial bending performance, at this time, bending-insensitive OM4 and OM5 multimode fibers have become hot fibers for data center construction.

Final Words

5G promotes emerging technologies such as smart cities, smart cars, mobile Internet of Things, and virtual reality to enter our lives. All of these must be supported by a strong and stable network. higher requirement. In order to meet more abundant 5G applications, operators are re-planning and designing existing networks.

Similarly, the new network architecture also puts forward new requirements for fiber optic cables. As the basic physical layer, optical fiber and cable must not only meet the current application requirements but also be compatible with future development needs.

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